Tuesday, April 18, 2017

What is Testosterone Enanthate? Testosterone Replacement Therapy TRT

Testosterone Enanthate

What Is Testosterone Enanthate?

Testosterone Enanthate is among the most popularly prescribed Testosterone Therapy Treatments in the world. For better or worse, it is also popular among those that use Testosterone for Performance enhancement. Testosterone Enanthate is one of the cheapest forms of Testosterone Therapy available, while also being one of the most effective and safest. Most men with Low-T have minimal issues with Testosterone Enanthate Treatment.

Testosterone Enanthate Composition

Like most Testosterone Injections, Testosterone Enanthate is a Carboxylic Acid Ester Compound. Esters are attached to Testosterone molecules to form a medical compound which slowly releases Testosterone into the blood stream over time. The more esters that a Testosterone Molecule has, the longer that a single injection provides Testosterone. Both the Testosterone and the Ester compound are synthetically derived. Testosterone is produced in a laboratory environment, and is 100% identical to that which is produced by the human body.

As the Testosterone Ester degrades, this slowly provides a stream of Free Testosterone to meet the body's needs. As with all Testosterone Esters, there is a general pattern in which Testosterone Levels ebb and flow. After Testosterone Enanthate is injected, the body receives a surge in Testosterone, generally at some point one full day to two days after injection. After 48 hours or so, Testosterone Levels balance out and begin to slowly drop, necessitating an injection every seven to ten days for maximum stability, though some doctors may recommend up to a 14 day schedule for certain patients.

How to Inject Testosterone Enanthate

Testosterone Enanthate is delivered via intramuscular injection, as are most other forms of Testosterone Replacement Injection Therapy. Before delivering the injection, you may be required to reconstitute the Testosterone Enanthate, saturating the lyophilized powder so that it can be injected into the body. After the Testosterone Therapy is reconstituted, it is then delivered into muscle tissue. Most Low-T Injections are a combination of a Testosterone Ester and an oil solution. Upon injection, the ester compound slowly breaks down, providing a steady stream of Testosterone which enters the blood stream.

Testosterone Enanthate Benefits

Testosterone Enanthate provides the same great benefits as any other form of Recombinant Low-T Therapy. Testosterone Enanthate is highly effective at treating the symptoms of most forms of Testosterone Deficiency, and is popular for the treatment of Andropause, also known as Age-Related Low-T. For men suffering from Testosterone Deficiency, Testosterone Enanthate has the ability to increase muscle mass, improve mood, enhance sexual desire, and more. Many patients even experience improved sleeping habits. There is even some evidence that suggests, when used as directed, Testosterone Therapy can be beneficial to cardiovascular health in patients with legitimate Low-T.

Testosterone Enanthate Results

Testosterone Enanthate is one of the most popular forms of Andropause Therapy because it works and requires injections only once every week to two weeks. Most patients suffering from Andropause or Idiopathic Testosterone Deficiency experience significant results in a matter of months. As with Human Growth Hormone Therapy, you should expect to experience a modest accrual of benefits culminating over the course of around six months. If you combine your HRT Therapy with a strong diet and exercise plan, you'll experience the best possible results. Testosterone Enanthate is a quality means to improve and sustain Testosterone Levels.

Testosterone Enanthate Risks and Side-Effects

Like any form of Testosterone Therapy, Testosterone Enanthate does carry a risk of side-effects. The most common side-effect of Testosterone Therapy is suppressed natural Testosterone Production. The body recognizes that Testosterone Levels are in the healthy range, and signal for lower Luteinizing Hormone and Follicle-Stimulating Hormone Production. This both reduces natural secretion of Testosterone by the testes and adrenal glands, and it impairs sperm production. Another common side-effect of Testosterone Treatment is reduced fertility, due to this suppressed sperm production. Using HCG Injections can help support both natural Testosterone Production and promote fertility during Testosterone HRT.

Other less common symptoms include increased risk of blood clots, gynecomastia (breast enlargement), increased prostate size, mild water retention, and acne. When used as directed for the treatment of a legitimate deficiency, these symptoms are much more rare. When Testosterone is abused, the risk of these symptoms increases significantly.

Testosterone Enanthate vs Testosterone Cypionate

These are the two most commonly used forms of Testosterone Injection, both for legitimate HRT Use and for Performance Enhancement (we do not condone the use of Testosterone without a legal prescription). Like most forms of Testosterone Injection, the primary difference between the two HRT Injections has to do with their half-lives. Testosterone Cypionate stays in the blood stream longer, owing to its larger ester-chain (seven carbons for enanthate, eight carbons for cypionate).

Whereas Testosterone Enanthate reaches its half-life in around ten and a half days, Testosterone Cypionate does so in about 12 days. Patients that opt for biweekly injections may be more interested in Testosterone Cypionate, but both are quality forms of HRT Treatment. Enanthate has a wider market-reach in Europe, whereas Cypionate is more widely available in the United States, so this is also a factor.

Testosterone Enanthate vs. Testosterone Propionate

Testosterone Propionate was the first intramuscular Testosterone Injection ever produced, and is the precursor for all that followed it. Testosterone Propionate only has one ester, compared to the seven-ester Enanthate. Testosterone Enanthate is rarely used for Hormone Replacement Therapy, because it requires an injection every 1-3 days, which is too much for most people when other alternatives are available. Testosterone Propionate has found a niche in the bodybuilding community, however.

Testosterone Enanthate Injections Vs. Other Forms of Testosterone

Testosterone Injections are just one of many forms of Testosterone Replacement Therapy, all of which are highly effective at treating the symptoms of Age-Related Testosterone Deficiency and other forms of Low-T. Other common forms of Testosterone Treatment include Testosterone Creams, Low-T Patches, and Implanted Testosterone Pellets.

Testosterone Creams are applied topically to the skin, making them a relatively low-fuss way to use Testosterone Therapy. Of course, these creams require daily applications, whereas Low-T Enanthate Injections only require an injection every seven to ten days, making it less of a hassle to remember each day.

Testosterone Injections do have a slight pain associated with them, which may be a factor in whether you are interested in Testosterone Enanthate, though there are products which are designed to mitigate the mild pain associated with injections, and most patients consider it nothing more than a mild discomfort.

Testosterone Patches are similar to Low-T Gels in that they are applied daily, but Patches are adhered to the skin in the morning and taken off daily, providing a slow leech of Testosterone through the skin for the entire day. Testosterone Injections have an advantage over Low-T Patches and Creams in that there is a risk of washing off the patch or cream when swimming or performing other activities in water. Patches are fairly resilient, but you still have to be careful. Water is only an issue for Testosterone creams for a brief period after application, however.

Testosterone Implantation is the only form of Testosterone Therapy that lasts longer than Testosterone Injections, but Testosterone Implants are the most invasive form of Low-T Treatment. Testosterone Pellets are surgically inserted under the skin, usually in an outpatient setting. The surgery doesn't take long, and the pellets provide a stream of Testosterone which lasts for three to four months. Of course, Low-T Implants are more expensive than other forms of therapy for this reason, so most patients that are interested in a more long-term approach still usually opt for Testosterone Enanthate and other similar Testosterone Injection formulations.

Where can I Find Testosterone Enanthate?

If you are interested in Testosterone Enanthate for Low-T, understand that it is easy to acquire—if you have a prescription. We strongly discourage anyone from using Testosterone Injections or any other form of Testosterone Therapy without a prescription from a licensed and reputable medical professional. There are also Testosterone Therapy clinics located all across the United States that can help you find out if you suffer from Low-T, and if you are eligible for Testosterone Replacement Therapy, or any other form of HRT Treatment. If you'd like to learn more about Testosterone Therapy, we encourage you to contact us for more information.

Find a Testosterone Doctor in Your Area

Are you interested in Testosterone Enanthate, or any other form of Bio-Identical Testosterone for Low-T? If so, we can help you get the treatment that you deserve. We represent a Licensed and Board-Certified Hormone Therapy Center that specializes in serving men and women thirty years and older all across America. Testosterone has helped hundreds of thousands of men across the country experience increased vitality, virility, and quality of life, and we would love to help you experience the same! Our highly qualified clinical HRT staff is just a phone call away. Also, feel free to fill out the form that you see on this page to set up a preliminary phone consultation!

Learn more about how testosterone replacement therapy can help you if you suffer from low T.

Is Low Testosterone tied to poor sleep?

Sleeping Issues Tied to Low-T

Testosterone has a complex and widespread affect on physiological function. Most people think of Testosterone strictly as a hormone related to sexual function, but Testosterone plays a role in a variety of other systems. One area where Testosterone (or the lack of Testosterone) can have a major impact is sleep.

Have You Been Having Trouble Sleeping?

Many men report that, as they get older, they start having more and more trouble sleeping. Have you caught yourself laying in bed, staring at the ceiling, more often than you'd like to admit? Do you wake up in the middle of the night, unable to fall back asleep? This may actually be a symptom of Testosterone Deficiency.

Testosterone and Sleep Quality

Low-T may not only affect your ability to stay asleep, but the quality of your sleep as well. As we sleep, the human body goes through different phases of sleep, all of which are important.

What Are the Normal Sleep Phases?

There are five stages of sleep, all of which are important to getting the most restful night possible. When we first fall asleep we enter Stage-1, which is characterized by a pattern of falling in and out of light sleep. During this phase, we are most prone to waking, and also to being jolted awake by the feeling of falling. During this phase, the muscles and the eyes are still active, but minimally.

As we fall deeper into rest we enter Stage-2, which is characterized by a combination of suppressed brain activity combined with occasional flourishes of neuronal activity. Stage-3 is comprised primarily of Delta Waves, the slowest rate at which our brains operate under normal circumstances. The brief bursts of activity from Stage-2 slow down, but remain far more active than Delta Wave. During stage three, all muscle and eye movement ceases. Stage-4 is the deepest form of sleep, and consists almost completely of Delta-Wave activity.

The first two phases of sleep are considered light sleep, whereas the latter phases are considered deep sleep. There is fifth stage of sleep, which is incredibly important. It is known as REM Sleep, REM an abbreviation for Rapid-Eye Movement. The first half of the normal sleeping pattern is characterized by a slow progression to deep sleep, while the latter half of the night is a shift back and forth from REM Sleep and an increasingly lighter and shorter reversal of the other four phases. REM Sleep is strongly associated with memory and learning, and is the period in which we dream.

Testosterone and Sleep Phases

Testosterone Production is tied directly to sleep phases. Testosterone Levels during sleep peak around the time that the first phase of REM-Sleep begins, and remain elevated for the rest of the night under normal circumstances. Testosterone Production ramps up as we enter stages three and four of deep sleep.

If poor sleep prevents us from sustaining deep sleep for a sufficient period of time, then Testosterone Levels fall. As men enter their fifties and sixties, sleep issues become more and more common. Recent research suggests that Low Testosterone Levels may account for as many as one in five men's sleep issues. The normal pattern of sleep is the result of a complex interplay of cerebral and physiological sequences, and Testosterone Deficiency impairs the body and mind's systems and aspects from working together in appropriate synchronicity.

Testosterone and Insomnia

Another sleep-related condition which impairs normal Testosterone Secretion is insomnia. Insomnia is a condition where it is incredibly hard to fall asleep, leaving some patients up all night, perhaps falling into occasional periods of light, fitful sleep at best. Insomnia is a spectrum condition, with some patients experiencing minor, occasional bouts, and others struggling with the condition for days, months, years, or even their entire life.

Testosterone Production is very sensitive to periods of inadequate sleep. One study suggests that even a single week of insomnia can impair Testosterone Production by around 15%. Sometimes Insomnia is the result of poor sleeping habits, other times it is the result of underlying physiological or neurological issues. If you are worried about your Testosterone Levels, it's important to take steps to improve your sleeping habits. Some steps that you can take to improve your sleeping habits are to avoid caffeine at night, install blackout curtains, turn the television off in the bedroom, and simply have a more rigorous bedtime. If insomnia isn't impacted by your efforts at improvement, you should see a sleep specialist.

What Is Sleep Apnea?

Sleep Apnea is a common condition in which your body doesn't get enough airflow while you sleep. This can result in shallow breathing for some patients, while others stop breathing for brief periods of time throughout the night. The range at which breathing can pause varies due to the severity of the Sleep Apnea and other factors. Breathing can stop for simply moments at a time, or much longer periods of time, even minutes. In severe cases, breathing can stop more than thirty times each hour.

When oxygen supplies drop to a certain level in the blood stream, the body recognizes that its choking and reinitiates breathing with a start, often associated with a choke or a snort. Sleep Apnea severely impairs sleep quality, because it prevents the brain from naturally moving along the normal pattern of sleep phases. As a result, Sleep apnea often causes significant fatigue and exhaustion throughout the day.

Testosterone and Sleep Apnea

Sleep apnea's lengthy pauses in breathing lead to repeated awakenings as the body struggles to recover oxygen in order to stabilize its functions. Sleep fragmentation leads to chronic sleep deprivation and excessive daytime sleepiness, as well as other sleep disorders, like insomnia.

While we are sleeping, the brain and body go into a total repair mode. It is while we sleep that our bodies recover from the previous day and get us ready for the next day. Sleep enhances functions from the cell to cell and from system to system, providing us with energy and keeping us healthy.

One of the vitally important aspects of sleep is hormone maintainence. The body releases the highest quantities of many of the most important hormones while we are asleep. Testosterone and Human Growth Hormone are primarily released at night. The body releases the majority of its Testosterone while we are in deep sleep. Sleep Apnea prevents deep sleep, causing Testosterone Levels to plummet. Testosterone Levels drop as the day proceeds to a close, and the body restores Testosterone back up to peak levels as we sleep.

Testosterone Deficiency can also contribute to sleep apnea. Patients with Low-T are more likely to be overweight, and they are also more likely to have diminished muscle mass, both of which can cause your airways to be impaired while you sleep.

Sleep Apnea Treatment to Increase Testosterone Levels

So Sleep Apnea and Testosterone Deficiency combine to create a double-edged sword. Low-Testosterone Levels make Sleep Apnea more common and more problematic, and Sleep Apnea suppresses Testosterone Levels. Getting tested and treated for Sleep Apnea is one way to help support healthy and normalized Testosterone Production. There are breathing machines, breathing masks, and other tools which can create air flow and prevent Sleep Apnea. Some patients may even benefit from surgery.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy for Better Sleep

As you can tell, Testosterone plays a strong role in your ability to get healthy and restful sleep. Testosterone Deficiency causes so many problems for patients, and not enough men seek a Hormone Specialist that can get them the Prescription Testosterone that they deserve. We are a Licensed and Board Certified Hormone Clinic which operates in all fifty states. If you believe that Testosterone Therapy can help improve your life, we encourage you to contact us by phone or by form to get in touch with one of our professionally trained Hormone Doctors.

We also offer a variety of other HRT Programs that may interest you, including Human Growth Hormone Replacement Therapy, HCG Injections for Weight Loss, Sermorelin Acetate HGH Booster, among others. If you have any questions or comments, we look forward to hearing from you!

Want to learn more about low testosterone and treating it with TRT testosterone replacement therapy? 

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Testosterone and HCG – Information that Could Change Your Life

If you are a Low-T Patient that is concerned about maintaining the normal function of your testes, including fertility, you may be interested in HCG. HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, and, when taken along with Bio-Identical Testosterone Therapy, it can prevent the testicular withering that is a side-effect of Testosterone Replacement.
What Does HCG Do?
For years, people have been using Bio-Identical HCG in combination with their Testosterone Therapy. It not only supports testicular function, but it also preserves the size of the testicles, which have a tendency to shrivel up as a result of treatment.
Prescription HCG is a lyophilized powder of glycoproteins which is reconstituted and delivered subcutaneously or intramuscularly via syringe. In the male body, HCG mimics the function of a vital sexual hormone known as Leuteinizing Hormone, often abbreviated LH. Luteinizing Hormone is responsible for both encouraging testicular fullness (prevention of Testicular Atrophy) and maintaining natural testosterone and semen production. This helps the body maintain its own natural testosterone secretion. When taking Testosterone Therapy alone, this directly leads to a corresponding drop in Testosterone Production, because Prescription Testosterone flowing through the body signals the brain to stop producing Luteinizing Hormone.
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is also beneficial as a means to properly cycle Testosterone Therapy. If you ever stop taking Recombinant Testosterone, HCG can help boost your natural Testosterone Synthesis to a more natural state.
Some patients with mild Low-T may benefit from taking HCG for Testosterone. HCG doesn’t work for everyone in this way, however. For example, your body’s own natural Testosterone Production may have dropped too low for HCG to be beneficial.
HCG for Weight Loss
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is also used by Weight Loss Specialists as a treatment for patients interested in losing weight quickly. At its core, the HCG Diet is a combination of significant caloric restriction with daily HCG Injections.
Doctors that prescribe HCG for weight loss claim that patients can lose up to thirty pounds per month using HCG Therapy for Weight Loss. The HCG Diet is available for both men and women.
How Does HCG Work?
Originally, HCG Therapy was designed in order to stimulate ovaries in women, but it has been shown to benefit patients in other ways, especially men. HCG is a hormone released by women in order to stimulate the embryo implantation in the placenta. When used for other purposes, it shares strong characteristics with Luteinizing Hormone, which has different functions in relationship to both the female and male physiology.
In men, Luteinizing Hormone is the precursor necessary to stimulate natural Testosterone Production, and it increases sperm count and sperm production. For women, HCG Injections promote ovulation. Bodybuilders have been using HCG for a long time in order to boost Testicular Function while using Testosterone Injections, and it’s also beneficial to patients taking Prescription Testosterone for Low-T.
HCG is also prescribed to boys that experience pituitary deficiencies that prevent Luteinizing Hormone from being produced sufficiently, in order to stimulate puberty and assist in the normal male testicular development.
How Is HCG Used?
For many patients, especially those interested in having children or those interested in maintaining testicular form, using HCG along with Testosterone in a Therapeautic Regimen for Low-T is the best course of action.
For all of Testosterone’s Benefits (increased muscle mass and energy, reduced bodyfat, etc.), Testosterone does directly lead to side-effects: significantly reduced fertility and testicular atrophy.
In order to enhance the benefits of HCG, it should be used in a specific manner. For example, even though some people use HCG to boost Testicular function only after they have completed their Testosterone Therapy Cycle, Hormone Doctors generally don’t consider this the best way to go about things.
Hormone Therapy Specialists prefer that HCG be used at specific times during Testosterone Replacement Therapy, not afterward, in order to maintain Testicular function and reduce the risk of issues after Testosterone or other Steroids have been used.
How Does HCG Help You Lose Weight?
The HCG Protocol is a bit different when the hormone is used for weight loss. HCG is generally delivered at a lower dose, and more regularly. HCG Injections are delivered five days per week, generally, in order to burn calories most effectively. HCG Injections are combined with diet phases between 500-1000 calories. Because of reduced calorie intake, patients will have to forgo excessive physical activity while on the HCG program, and need to precisely follow the meal plan during treatment.
How are HCG Injections Delivered?
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin Injections are delivered the exact same way as Growth Hormone, via Subcutaneous Injection. They are also sometimes delivered as Intramuscular Injections.  These can be self-administered, or administered with the assistance of another person. In Subcutaneous Injection, the medication is delivered between the epidermis and the dermis. In Intramuscular Injection, HCG is injected directly into muscle tissue.
Before using or administering HCG for the first time, your doctor will provide specific instructions regarding how to safely administer an HCG Injection. Do not try to give yourself or another person an injection without initial guidance from a medical professional.
Is HCG Safe?
As with any Hormone Therapy Treatment, HCG Therapy is safest when used as prescribed by a medical doctor, and when used recreationally or improperly, it can potentially lead to significant side-effects. One symptom associated with HCG is blood clots. Because of this, it’s important to understand the signs of a blood clot: tingling and numbness in the extremities, ruddiness, abnormal warmth, and pain. Headaches, dizziness, and confusion are other symptoms of a blood clot.
See a doctor immediately if you experience these symptoms while taking HCG.
The vast majority of people take HCG and experience no major side-effects. Women may experience a condition known as Ovarian Hyper Stimulation Syndrome as a result of HCG Therapy. Symptoms include infrequent urination, weight gain, stomach issues, stomach distention and pain, swelling in the legs and hands, and pelvic discomfort. OHSS is dangerous and can be life-threatening, so contact a doctor as soon as possible if you experience these symptoms. Because of HCG’s effect on fertility, women using HCG are more likely to have twins and triplets.
How Do I Know if HCG Is Right for Me?
If you are interested in HCG for Weight Loss, Fertility, or as an important aspect of your Testosterone Replacement Low-T Therapy, your doctor will assess your needs and help you decide if HCG is right for you. HCG should not be used without a prescription, and should be used specifically as indicated by your Hormone Doctor.
Where Can I Find HCG?
Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is available under a number of different brand names, including Pregnyl, Ovidrel, and Novarel. If you’re interested in Prescription HCG, talk to a licensed medical specialist. Like most drugs, it’s possible to find Real HCG Online, it’s safer, and ultimately in your best interest, to be assessed by a medical professional in order to obtain Prescription HCG.
Remember that there are always potential drawbacks to Steroids and other Hormone Therapies. When used as indicated in order to restore and maintain Hormone Balance, these risks are quite low, but they are still present. Always do your own personal research when it comes to any medical treatment, including face-time with a doctor or pharmacist.
We Offer Hormone Optimization Treatments, including HCG Therapy
If you are interested in learning more about HCG, Testosterone, Human Growth Hormone, or any other form of Hormone Replacement Therapy or Hormone Supplementation, our Licensed and Board Certified Hormone Clinic has specialists standing by to answer any questions that you may have.
If you feel that you may benefit from any of the HRT Treatments that we provide, we can set you up with an appointment with a doctor in your area for prerequisite examination, and, if you qualify, we can have quality HRT Products, including Recombinant Testosterone and HCG, delivered directly to your home or office!

For more information about Testosterone and HCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin, Visit Testosterone.me
